Sunday, 3 August 2014

Road Trip to YYC

In our house we love to take road trips when and whereever we can. Isa *the Boyfriend* and I both really enjoy driving, Usually we are fighting for who gets to drive us to our next great adventure, Isa usually wins tho which leaves me in the passenger seat snapping all kinds of pictures. 

This road trip we took got us from Victoria, BC to Calgary,AB. It only took 12 hrs driving time and 2 hours on the ferry. That's right 14 hour driving time, which to some people (like my sister who came with us for the ride.) would be way to long in the car without a nap at a hotel along the way.  Isa and I, we think differently. A couple years ago we drove from Calgary to Toronto which was a cool 36 hrs of driving time. I would way rather be in the car for only 14hrs then 36hrs but I'm not the average type of girl. But wait I'm getting off topic here. 

Everyone in the Trax and Ready to go, Look out Swatz Bay Ferry here we come!!!
1:00 pm 

Yes, I would like to go to Vancouver please. 
1:30 pm 

Yup the ferry is not cheap, They also don't allow you to use your debit card and I also heard a rumour they don't sell gum or even allow you to chew gum on the ferry. Who knew? 

Everyone is sleeping but me, I'm enjoying my ice coffee and trying to keep myself busy by taking ridiculous pictures of everyone. 
2:30 pm 

I always feel so relaxed on the water well any place outside really. There is so much beauty in nature. When we were passing by this island there were a bunch of tents on it. I will be looking into camping on the island. How much fun would that be. I'll let you know how it goes. 
3:00 pm 

More island's coming across from Victoria to Vancouver.
3:10 pm 

3:15 pm 

Another Ferry, Hi Ferry, I'm on a ferry and you're a ferry maybe there is another person just like me taking pictures of a ferry from a ferry, oops I think my Ice coffee is taking over. 
3:20 pm 

We are almost there, Better take a pic for my instagram. Which is bri.holmes if you wanna follow me. which I think you should. 
3:25 pm 

Alright, Off the ferry and on to some open road. Bring it on Trans Canada Highway 1 East, let's see what you've got. British Columbia is so beautiful. I love all the cloud in this picture, It was a perfect day for driving. 
4:30 pm 

As we were driving we all were wondering how many trees we were driving by. None of us could come up with any kind of answer that even made sense. If you guys have any clue how many trees you drive by driving from Vancouver to Calgary please leave a comment below we are all very interested in knowing. My guess 2 Million. to high? or to low?
5:00 pm 

As we came up to this spot and saw a pull out we decided this looked like a good place to let the dog out. Who wouldn't stop here and stare at this view for hours. For us it was only 15 minuets as we still had a long drive ahead of us. 
5:45 pm 

Let me out! I wanna get out. The animals were very well behaved on the journey but when we rolled into Calgary and 3:00 am they were both very happy to leave the Trax. 

Once we got to Calgary we needed some work done on our Trax. While the Trax was in the service bay we decided to look at some new vehicle which then lead us to the 2014 Chevrolet Silverado double cab. It's gorgeous and has all the towing capacity we wanted. We are hoping to buy a trailer and road trip it around north america but that's a post for another time. 

Oops I bought a truck! 

But we love it! and I don't regret it at all!

After all the fun we had buying a new truck we were feeling kinda peckish and after a short debate we ended up at a little Chinese food restaurant, which was amazing and the best part my fortune cookie told me exactly what I wanted to hear. 

Well I have only stepped on 9 countries this far so hopefully there are plenty more to go. 
Any suggestions??

After a week in Calgary and lots of visit's with old friends and family we were ready to take our new truck home. Just outside of Calgary we ran into a nasty thunder and lightning storm, which we don't get in Victoria that often so we were thrilled to drive thru it. The sky was so light where the sun was setting but so dark everywhere else. The pictures don't quite do it justice. I definatly need more practice shooting lightning storms. 

We Drove thru the night on the way back because our trip there during the day was full of scary drivers and people who should just not be on the highway. The night was a better bet for us as Isa is a night owl and there is less traffic on the road. So this brings us to the end of our 2014 Road Trip to YYC. 

We are back in Victoria and looking for more adventures to go on everyday. Check back to see where we end up next. 

Stay Inspired.    XOXO   B 

Monday, 14 July 2014

Trinidad and Tobago

I have recently returned from a well needed Vacation in Trinidad and Tobago.  We had an amazing time and will be going back in the future. I won't bother you with all the chatter about the trip. The pictures are the important part.

Flying over Trinidad.

 The Trail to Maracas Waterfalls

 The Falls 

Isa in a Rainbow

 The Wedding 

 Tobago Coast 

Our View while waiting for Lunch

 My Love and I 

Dock, That I would love to live by. 

 Atlantic Ocean Coast of Tobago 

 Caribbean Sea on the other side of Tobago

 Coming round the mountain

Coastal living

 Isa humouring me 

 I Love Palm Trees

One of the many beautiful bays of Tobago


 The Sea was such an amazing colour of blue green

My love contemplating life

Please leave any questions or comments at the bottom. I love hearing what you guys think, makes me think about what I can do better. Don't forget to follow me on instagram add bri.holmes I'll follow you back. 
xoxo Bri 

Monday, 24 June 2013

Afternoon of Fun. With some good friends.

Hey Guys,

So today I spent the afternoon at a friends house and I just couldn't resist brining my camera and snapping a bunch of pictures. I'm only going to post my favourites otherwise there would be to many. I am still experimenting with what kind of photography I want to get into. Pet photography is very appealing to me as I have my own pets and take way to many pictures of them as if. Today I got to take some of Kathleen's dogs which was a nice change. Anyways judge for yourself. if you want to see all the pictures they are posted on my Facebook page Brianne Holmes Photography, Check it out and don't forget to like my page so you can see all my new post and pictures.

I live in Calgary right now and we have had some bad luck around her lately, downtown Calgary is flooded and towns south of Calgary are also flooded. It's been a hard thing to watch but thru it all the citizens of Calgary and surrounding areas have come together to help those who are displaced. It really helps my faith in humanity to see everyone take care of people they don't know with such love and care. I haven't had much time to travel to the affected areas to see what the damage is actually like but I am hoping to take a nice drive tomorrow and hopefully steal some snaps of this devastating flood. So not that that is happy news or anything to really look forward to but might get some interesting pictures.

Also as I said I take way to many pictures of my own pets. Here are a couple really neat ones well at least I think so. My favourite one is of Chloe (the dog) Jumping to catch the ball. She is so energetic and easy to shot. The cat is just so freaking cute I could take pictures of him all day and never get bored. Well till next time.
 I read this photo blog where he had a whole section dedicated to feet first, I loved it so much that I am going to try my own. So this is the first of many.